My Playlist

Sunday, 30 November 2008

Puppy accident

Oh my god. Today was Poppy puppy’s grooming day. We gave her a bath and dried her. But when it came to trimming her fur, we had a little accident. Mum was trimming her ears while I was holding her head and all of a sudden Poppy lets out a yelp. I ask mum if she had nipped her and she said yes as she rushed across the kitchen to grab some tissue. As I am there holding her head and there is blood pouring from Poppy’s ear. It wasn’t just a nip. The edge of her ear is sliced off. It’s about 1cm long and a couple of millimetres in.

We stopped the bleeding and decided to go out to see Nan and Granddad. On the way we called the vet who said it’s not an emergency if it stops bleeding. But part of her ear is hanging off, so every time she shakes her head the bleeding starts again. So the vet said to stop her shaking you have to carry her everywhere. We decided to go to the pet shop on the way. But as we got out of the car, Poppy shakes her head and the bleeding starts again. We thought we stopped it but as we were walking around the pet shop with me holding her, the blood is pouring out and onto the floor. So I go back to the car with her while mum does the shopping and I manage to get it to stop again. We decided not to go to Nan and Granddad’s because Poppy will get too excited and may open the wound again. So we just went home.

To stop her shaking her head at home we had to make something. Mum came up with the genius idea to put a sock on her head. We cut the toes off and we cut a hole for her other ear. But the sock holds down the injured ear so that if she does shake then her ear won’t move. To stop her from removing the sock we had to put her cone on. Now she looks funny but at least she doesn't keep bleeding.

In brother news, he’s aloud back in the house but only to sleep and eat. He has to keep away from me for the time being. I have now hidden my bag where nobody but me will find it. Try and steal from me now asshole.
In other news, I am talking to my ex-boyfriend again. He requested me and now we talk a lot. It’s good to know that he’s okay and it’s good to find out what he is up to. Especially after loosing Jamie. I regret not talking to Jamie even though he had requested me only months before.

Saturday, 29 November 2008

AARRRGGG!!! *$%^”! Brothers

After I stuck up for him too. I drive to work as usual, get my purse out to take out my lunch money as usual. And what do I find. The fucking twat has cleaned me out. I had at least £35 in there. In 5x£5 and a £10 note that mum gave to me to put towards petrol to drive her to the airport last week. Plus I had at least 1x£1 coin because I always have at least one for my mid-morning snack and a drink. But no the fucker has cleaned me out. So now I can’t have my mid-morning snack, I have to wait to go out at lunch. He just doesn’t think about the consequences of his actions. I am so hungry. All I have to keep me going for about 5 hours before my lunch is water and polo’s. I can’t believe he’s done it again. I don’t even know how he could do it. Because since the last wave of thefts from my bag I have had to put a combination lock on there and after my petrol money went missing last week I changed the combination. I am that pissed off at the moment that I am considering whether or not to inform the police. But what would I say. This is how it will pan out if I did go to the police.

Me: “Hi, I’d like to report a crime”.

Popo: “Okay miss, what’s happened”?

Me: “My brother has stolen money from my bag”.

Popo: “What proof do you have that it was him”.

Me: “It couldn’t have been anyone else”.

Popo: “Any hard evidence”.

Me: “No”.

Popo: “Then I’m sorry but there is nothing we can do”.
So all this morning I have been looking at safe’s and CCTV camera’s at work. But then I thought no, I should not have to do this. I should not have to lock my bag up to stop my brother, yes my brother from stealing from me.

One of my work mates said “you look like you don’t want to be here today“, I just laughed it off. But I was thinking no I don’t, I want to hunt the little shit down and ring his fucking neck.

What do you do with someone who does not see what he is doing is wrong?

What do you do with someone who doesn’t see that his actions are driving his family away?

All because he wants to go out drinking with his mates every night.

Mum wants to change the locks, so that he can’t get in and right now I think she’s right.

Aaarrrrggg!!! FUCKING IDIOT I just want to yell at the top of my lungs. But alas I am at work.

I start to calm down a little and then I think to myself he’s my brother and he cares about me that little that he steals from me. He cares more about his fucking lowlife mates then he does his family.

After everything I’ve done for him.

Anyway, I think you can tell I’m pissed off.

Happy Birthday Mum

As you can tell from the title it’s my mum’s birthday today, so as the loving daughter I am I took her out for dinner, bought her a present and a card. What did she get from my brother…..NOTHING!

I bought her a birthday cake as well but so did my grand parents.
My brother is being such an asshole. Even more than normal. He didn’t get anything for my mum’s birthday because he’s selfish and doesn’t think about anyone but himself. I told him at the beginning of the month and as many times as I could that it was her birthday and he needs to save some money to get her a present. So what does he do, he blows it all on booze.

He hasn’t been going to work in the last couple of days, so he won’t get paid at the end of the week. Oh and he has a £100 fine to pay by 12th December or he goes to court.
Because mum is so pissed off with bailing him out but paying his shit, giving him money all the time and giving him a lift when he asks. Basically doing anything that he asks, because it easier than arguing with him. She has now kicked him out of the house and told him that he needs to change his ways. This morning I woke up to a note the said:

‘ J
Leave your key, this is no longer your home or family’

A bit mean I think but he has to learn, he has to have a full time job that pays a proper wage by next year due to all the bills going up. Me and mum can’t keep paying for him. But what ever we say he still just doesn’t get it. We keep saying we are in recession and there is no money around and he just laughs and says ‘you’ve always got money’.

I love my brother of course I do but he is driving the family apart.