My Playlist

Wednesday, 24 December 2008


Or happy holidays if you live in America. I am completely ready for Christmas. I am ready for a day of lazing about on the sofa eating loads of junk and watching movies all day. All my presents are bought, they are wrapped and as of an hour or so ago are under the tree. The meats are cooked and the vegetables are cooked and mashed ready for bubble and squeak. This year we are doing thing a bit backwards. We had the turkey curry today which we usually have into the new year to use up the turkey. We are having our boxing day meals like cold meats and bubble and squeal for Christmas day dinner. And we are having Christmas day dinner on Boxing day.

Last night I went to Andie’s 18th birthday party. It was a bit weird in the beginning because I didn’t know anyone but after 30 minutes or so some people I know started turning up and I felt more at ease. It was hard being one of only a few who weren’t drinking, and being the only straightedge person in the room. But I see it as I was looking after everyone who was drinking, including picking them up off the floor. We were wearing glow stick wristbands all night. I was controlling the music for a while. A couple of us where complaining about the music, most wanted drum and base music, but the select few wanted rock and metal. Who do you think won? All in all it was a good night.

In brother news. I now have a lock on my door but the fucker undid the screws to get in. So I now have clear nail varnish over the screws. That should hold him off for a while.

In puppy news, she is all healed up and her ear looks relatively normal. She is all ready for her second Christmas. Trying to get at the nibbles and sniffing the presents.

My final note for Christmas Eve is Merry Christmas (Happy Holidays) to all.

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Brothers Part 2

Today I was going out to do my Christmas shopping, so went to get some gift cards I have had for a while. They were there about 2 weeks ago because my mum remembers tidying them up. So knows they were there but they aren’t there now. We have searched high and low but we can’t find them. Which deduces that my brother has yet again stolen from me. So that’s it mum has had enough as well, so the only way we can think of to stop him stealing my stuff is to put a lock on the door. It sucks, because I should not have to lock my room to stop my brother stealing from me.

I still went Christmas shopping with my new Christmas play list but I didn’t buy anything.
Mainly because most things are cheaper online.

In puppy news, her ear is almost healed but she still has a bit hanging off. My mum will never trim her again, at least not her ears.

It’s nice to have a week off work but I get kinda bored I the evenings.