My Playlist

Monday, 26 January 2009

The Good and The Bad

On Thursday 15th January my great aunty Christine died. I was really upset. She went in for a routine operation last year and they found cancer. They tried everything chemotherapy, radiotherapy and all types of medication but just after Christmas they decided there was nothing else they could do. Aunty Christine was a big lady and apparently by the end she was so thin and small. I wasn’t able to see her in hospital because the doctor thought it would be too stressful on her if different people kept coming to see her. So only great uncle Maurice, her children and my Nan were aloud in to see her. She was cremated on Friday 23rd January. I didn’t go because I want to remember her as the woman she was not what the cancer turned her into. As I am writing this I am fighting back the tears, I can’t even see what I am typing. Rest In Peace Aunty Christine.

In happier news, on last Saturday 24th January, I went to Sarisbury Green Social Club to see my cousins Barry and Colin perform in there band called Movin’ On. They do covers of songs from 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and 00’s. They were pretty good. Colin plays rhythm guitar and is the lead vocalist but also played Bass guitar. Where as Barry plays bass and also does vocals but also played tambourine, according to mum he always used to play lead guitar. So I guess musical ability runs I runs in the family.

In revamp news the checkouts and returns desk have moved. The new returns desk is not what I expected. It’s too open and there is not enough security measures. There is no rear wall so people behind can see what we are entering into the tills. We have a massive window beside use, so people can see us that way. We have no door, so if we get an irate customer, they can come round at us. Plus the tills can be easily accessed. So we have demanded a wall behind us, even if it’s Perspex. A curtain at the wall. And a door and that’s just for starters.

For my final note today Happy Australia Day to all my family Down Under.

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Dairy Milk

Today I was driving home from a shopping trip and was listening to the radio. The news came on and the announcer said that Dairy Milk have had to include ‘contains milk’ in their list of allergy warnings. It kind of made me wonder what kind of idiots must there be in the world that they don’t know that dairy milk chocolate contains milk. The clue is in the title DAIRY, which could possible mean milk or maybe it’s the word MILK. Do you think that the word MILK kind of gives it away that maybe just maybe it might contain MILK. It’s like the guy who sued McDonalds because he ate McDonalds every day and got fat. How stupid must you be to not know that eating fast food every day would make you fat. For crying out loud, it just common sense.

Of course hearing the announcer talk about Dairy Milk I just had to go out and buy some and sure enough it does say on the back 'contains milk'.

Thursday, 1 January 2009