On Thursday I was surfing the internet as usual, lurking on my usual sites, I logged onto Facebook and was reading my bulletins, when I came across a message left on my old best friends wall. It said something about my ex boyfriend Jamie Trott dying. I thought to myself it can’t be my Jamie Trott, so I did some research and found a newspaper article on the matter. It was Jamie. He according to the news report, lost control by Southwick tunnel on the Shoreham by-pass, sending his Purple BMW 316 up a steep embankment and into a field. His passenger survived with only minor injuries. But he had such bad injuries that he was airlifted to hospital on Sunday night but died in the early hours on Monday morning. It’s now at least 24 hours since I found out but I am still in a state of shock. I still cannot believe he’s gone. When I left Brighton, we lost contact but only regained contact a couple of months ago. He was a great cricketer on the Southwick Cricket team. We dated back in Junior school about 1995-1996, (year 3, I believe). For about a year. He was only 21. It’s surprising how quickly someone can be taken away. He will definitely be missed even though I hadn’t seen him in approximately 10 years.
In happier news,
Guess who turned 1 on Thursday. Yep Poppy. We celebrated with a special meal for her and she had a birthday cake . We also bought her a card. Although she had an operation the day before because she had broken one of her claws in half down in the bed, so she had to spend her birthday in a bandage. It gets removed on Saturday and I think that is a good thing as she is starting to eat it. So much so that we have had to do some repairs, sticking it back together with plasters. Little rascal.
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